On the Power of Boundaries

It’s counterintuitive, but one of the most freeing things you can do for your team is set boundaries. This concept is best explained by a quick parable.

In the middle of a big city was a playground. It was better than any kid could hope for with all kinds of amazing swings, slides, climbing walls, and merry-go-rounds.

But the playground was surrounded by busy streets on all sides. Cars, buses, and motorcycles were constantly whizzing by at breakneck speed.

The kids who went there just sat on the jungle gym right in the center and never played on anything else. You see, despite all the cool equipment, the playground had no walls or fence. None of the kids were quite sure how close to the street was too close.

One day, a tall fence was installed around the perimeter of the playground, and suddenly every piece of equipment in the part was flooded with kids and being used to its full potential. Once they knew exactly where the danger started, they felt free to explore.

Without a clear definition of boundaries, our teams will congregate in the safe middle of the playground.

Some simple examples of boundaries: ”Run your area like you own it, but I’d like to approve…” a. Any spend over x b. Hires over y level c. Partnerships larger than z

This gives them total freedom to create value within those boundaries without wondering if they’re overstepping. Set expansive but clear boundaries to blossom entrepreneurial spirit.