
We invest in companies that care what happens next, because we care what happens next. We care about people – employees, customers, suppliers, and communities – and we want to promote personal and professional flourishing. Here are our foundations:

Keep Our Word, Always

All relationships are built on trust, which is a function of consistency over time. So all trust requires two things: reliability and time. Because of our unique fund structure, we have the time to build. So what does reliability look like?

We aim to do what we say we will, when we say we’ll do it, for the price and terms we agree to, without exception. We’d like to remove the “aim” qualifier, but the reality is, as humans, we’re all messy – us included. Regardless, the aim is clear.

So whether it’s showing up for a scheduled call on time, responding quickly to any need from our partners, paying out an earn-out as written in the contract and with a spirit of kindness, or keeping our promise to avoid debt, we strive to be people who keep our word, always. And if we fail in any way, we want you to let us know so we can make it right.

No Assholes

People are everything. All businesses, including ours, are nothing more than people striving to accomplish something together. Life is short and tradeoffs abound, so we want to work with people we admire, in places we enjoy, on work that matters. Hence our strict “no assholes” policy. We have little tolerance for reckless communication, drama, or politics. We want meaningful and high-trust relationships, actively preparing for the inevitable challenges that will come.

We’re all also flawed and messy – at best, assholes in recovery. So we try to approach each conversation and every relationship with compassion, humility, and grace. And sometimes we fail. But we can’t imagine a better charge than to help steward family-owned businesses and the stakeholders that rely on them.

Do No Harm

All change is hard, especially change in ownership. Our first goal is to do no harm. We partner with people who know what they’re doing and do it well, serve customers faithfully, and would be successful without us. We readily acknowledge that we’ll never understand the industry nuances better than those who live it daily. Sure, we’ve learned some things and have an unusual vantage point, but we’ve also lived long enough to see the consequences of prideful and hasty action. 

So instead of being directive, we listen and learn. Instead of cutting staff, benefits, and freedoms, we ask what more we could do to help our partners flourish. Instead of setting a pressure-cooked timeline filled with fear and anxiety, we build intentionally over time. Instead of sending all cash flow to a bank that invested far more than we did, we avoid debt and can reinvest in the business.

Helpful, Not Impressive

If you’re looking for suits with spreadsheets who will tell you what to do, we’ll let you down. We’re operators who know how to get our hands dirty. At a baseline, we provide long-term financial resources and some hard-won experience. Beyond that, we don’t have a set formula for involvement – our role varies depending on needs, team, and growth. Company leadership tends to identify where we can be most useful, and it’s usually in what we lovingly call the “everything tastes like chicken” layer of operations: financial systems and relationships, marketing and lead generation, legal, talent recruitment, technology evaluation and implementation, and a network of specialists.

By not prioritizing what looks impressive to others, decisions are based on merits and what makes the business stronger. Growth for growth’s sake won’t make the cut. Neither will cost cutting for short-term profit. We want sturdy growth, a committed team that feels seen and appreciated, and to take measured risk.

Recipe for Durability

We’ve seen a lot through the years and recognize two patterns clearly: 1. Plans rarely pan out and 2. Good things take time. 

We believe the best path to sturdy growth is not a plan, but a posture. It’s a belief in continuous improvement, optimism shining through some thick scars, and a healthy dose of humility. That posture translates to an operational approach anchored on honesty, agility, calculated risks, and a win-together mentality.

The other ingredient is patience. Strong foundations, community roots, competitive positioning, and customer loyalty all require commitment. We believe the hard way – doing what you say you’re going to do every time, over time – is the most durable source of competitive advantage.

If this sounds interesting to you or someone you know, or if you just want to start a conversion, drop us a line. We’d love to chat.