Nobody Got a Glass
I threw our senior financial partner Danny under the bus last year for prioritizing his work over day drinking on a Tuesday, so it probably shouldn’t surprise you that when our friendly (not fiercely) independent local brewery (shoutout Logboat) announced that they were doing their holiday glass giveaway again this past Yule, I messaged the team to say, “Guys, I hope you’re ready to day drink on Tuesdays because we’re all getting all the glasses this year.” This is because I try to be an inspirational leader and set high standards and expectations whenever I can.
But Logboat threw us a curveball this time around (demerit Logboat…though we’ll still be there for Capital Camp). That’s because the first giveaway was announced on Wednesday, December 4. So we dutifully showed up early to get our glasses and commented while standing on line that it made so much more sense and was so much less irresponsible to day drink on a Wednesday instead of a Tuesday. Then we set calendar reminders to reappear the next week.
When I got my calendar reminder that next Wednesday I checked Logboat’s X nee Twitter feed and saw that another glass was indeed being given away “today.” But did I check the time stamp? Of course not. Because it made so much more sense and was so much less irresponsible to day drink on a Wednesday instead of a Tuesday.
Then imagine our surprise and delight when we all dutifully showed up to find for the first time since the first glass giveaway that there was no line. But then imagine our horror when we stepped inside the brewery only to discover that the reason there was no line was because no glasses were being given away. I re-checked the X nee Twitter feed and saw that the post had been made on Tuesday. Logboat had reverted to a Tuesday giveaway schedule without giving us a proper heads up, so nobody got a glass.
While I have resigned myself to the fact that there will never be a year in which we all get all the glasses, it is worth pointing out that significant sources of misjudgment in this world are assumption and extrapolation. While both make life and work that much easier, there’s no reason why what just happened ever has to happen again, so employ each at the peril of accumulating another incomplete set of holiday beer glasses.
Have a great weekend.
– Tim