You’re Interesting and I’m Optimistic

As an ENTJ Pioneer/Guardian (shoutout personality testing), I probably started Unqualified Opinions (it’s an audit and accounting joke) for selfish reasons. I wanted to know if I could say something interesting every day. And to be perfectly honest I started this around the time a few other people started similar things and I would be lying to you if I said that I didn’t consider myself competing with them.

I’m not healthy!

But I did outlast them and this rigmarole-whatever-it-is (I’ve called it a lot of different things along the way) has done okay and been a lot fun. It turns out that trying to find something interesting to say every day is a pretty great objective. Because doing so keeps one on high alert for remarkable people, ideas, and happenings, of which there is no shortage of supply in this crazy, mixed-up world.

Sometimes, of course, it’s easy to forget that. One thing that dawned on me recently is that we are still dealing with a lot of bad habits we formed during the pandemic. Mutual trust is low. We’re on our screens a lot. It’s easy to play a victim. This aforementioned crazy, mixed-up world has thrown a lot at us the past few years that might make it seem a little bit less remarkable.

But I was on a call with one of our investors recently and as we were wrapping up he said, “Thanks for the time. This is the most optimistic I’ve heard you sound in a while.” And that took me aback, because we and I certainly have our share of challenges and it doesn’t seem like less than we and I have had in the past.

Reflecting on that, I realized that despite the challenges, I might sound optimistic because I am having fun. And by having fun, one can better see what lies behind the challenges if said challenges get solved. Seeing that adds to the fun. And fun, as they say, is contagious.

One of the principal reasons I am having fun is because of this rigmarole-whatever-it-is…and that’s because of you guys. If you like getting this in your inbox half as much as I like getting responses in mine, then you might imagine how much joy having a two-year conversation with smart, remarkable people in the world has brought me (you too, Morgan!). That’s apparently being reflected in my work and demeanor, so thank you. It means so much that you read and write back. The world is an interesting place; never stop having a conversation with it.

With that, I hope you enjoyed season four (yes, I went out with a parting shot at Morgan…his book makes a great stocking stuffer…as does Brent’s!). Happy holidays. I hope you get to enjoy them with family and friends. Travel safely if you’re hitting the road. Vayamos.



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